Jonathan Foust - The Felt Sense of Embodied Mindfulness (Online)
Please join us on Sunday, January 19 as we welcome Jonathan Foust, a guest teacher.
Please join us on Sunday, January 19 as we welcome Jonathan Foust, a guest teacher.
Join us for the New Year’s Retreat with Andrew Getz!
Daylong Meditation Retreat with Jon Aaron
Online Retreat with Santikaro
Sign up now, spaces limited! Reconnect with nature in Glenview Woods
Spring Retreat with Jason Bartlett, In-Person at the Portiuncula Center in Frankfort, IL
Join sangha friends in celebration of Vesak Day (Buddha’s birthday)
Join Sunday Night Sangha in welcoming teacher Jason Bartlett to lead the session.
In-Person Day-Long Retreat with Jon Aaron
Let’s celebrate Earth Day by cleaning up Gompers Park together!
Join this online “Sit Around with Jon Aaron” series on Mindfulness of the Body. Jon will visit several of our sitting groups on March 24, 27, 28, and April 1
Join the Chicago Weekly Sitting Meditation Group and Insight Chicago Meditation Community(ICMC) to a Half-Day, In-Person Meditation Retreat.
Register now for the New Year’s Retreat with Andrew Getz!
Join Northside Sangha Sitting Group for an evening with Andrew Getz. The topic will be “Patience,” one of the seven foundational attitudes of mindfulness practice, developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn.
Patience is one of the paramis or virtuous qualities that form the foundation of our practice. Our whole practice can be said to be an expression of patience. It is a kind of wisdom that emerges as both an expression and means to awaken. This evening we will explore the meaning of patience as it relates to our practice.
This session will be held online, on Zoom.
Email Northside Sangha to join:
ICMC returns in-person with the Fall Retreat with Santikaro
Circle of Stillness Sitting Group invites you to an in-person, daylong retreat on Wise Speech with Dharma Teachers Nanci Edgcomb, ICMC Circle of Stillness and Charlie Berry, ICMC Woodlawn Sangha
The third element of The Noble Eightfold Path is Wise Speech. On this noble path we are training to refrain from verbal misdeeds (lying, harsh speech, idle or useless speech). Instead we are guided to speak the truth and to use words that are friendly, gentle, meaningful and beneficial. Join us as we explore wise speech in more depth at this retreat.
The day will be held in noble silence and will include sitting and walking meditation and dharma talks, as well as yoga, chanting and time for sharing.
Bring your own lunch (refrigerator available)
Bring your own cushion, water bottle, mug for hot tea
Chairs are available at the site
Masks optional. If you have any Covid symptoms (fever, chills, cough, body aches, sore throat, etc.), please do not attend.
$30.00 nonrefundable fee (to cover the cost of venue rental)
Dana basket will be available at retreat
Northside Sangha invites Andrew Getz to teach on the topic of “Beginner’s Mind,” the first of seven foundational attitudes of mindfulness practice, as developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn.
This session will be held on online. Please contact Northside Sangha for Zoom information.
Spring Retreat Online, with Santikaro: Splendors of the Luminous Mind
In-Person Day of Mindfulness, hosted by the Chicago Weekly Sitting Group and Insight Chicago Meditation Community (ICMC)
ICMC Hosts Andrew Getz for the 2022-23 New Year’s Retreat, held on Zoom
Join us in exploring the art of meditation as a healthy way of living amid overwhelming complexity. With numerous disruptions in our lives, our orientation to the inner life values wise simplicity, and contemplative solitude makes the most of increased isolation.
When cluttered with “extras,” life bogs down in anxiety and suffering. . .
Join Andrew Getz in this New Year's online retreat exploration of The Four Noble Truths.
An online retreat to investigate the nature of samsara, our place in it, and its center in “non-fabrication.” Guided by Santikaro.
Online day of practice led by James Baraz.
An Online, At-Home Retreat with Santikaro
Registration is now open for this event.
The Middle Way is the Buddhist approach to spiritual practice. It embodies core Buddhist teachings about dependent co-arising and emptiness.