Click on a sangha photo or name link for more information about the sangha and meeting arrangements.

Sunday Night Meditation Sangha is currently meeting on Sunday evenings in-person/hybrid and online via zoom.

Circle of Stillness Sangha is currently meeting on Sunday mornings in-person and online via zoom.

Evanston Meditation Sangha is currently meeting Mondays and Thursday online via zoom.

Northside Meditation Sangha is currently meeting on Wednesday evenings on Zoom and has an in-person/hybrid meeting on the first Wednesday of the month.

Woodlawn Meditation Sangha is currently meeting online.

We welcome you - whether you’re new to meditation, an experienced practitioner, or anywhere in between. We seek to promote the inclusion and participation of people of diverse identities, including those of all races, ethnicities, cultures, sexual orientations, gender identities, classes, religions, political views, abilities, and ages, that all may feel welcome, safe and respected within this community.

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