
The Buddha's Discourse on Good Will

The Buddha's Discourse on Good Will

At the close of a year, we reflect on the challenges, the losses, stresses, and sorrows, as well as the joys and happiness we’ve experienced. As we wish each other "Happy New Year," the hopes and favorable intentions inherent in that sentiment are well expressed by the Buddha in his discourse on good will for all—including ourselves.

Posted by Deb.

Looking In the Mirror

Looking In the Mirror

Mahjima Nikaya sutta 61 (MN 61: Ambalatthika-rahulovada Sutta: Instructions to Rahula at Mango Stone) recounts the Buddha's teaching to his son, Rahula. This sutta is often cited in dhamma talks to illustrate the importance of right speech. The real importance of this sutta, however, is the instruction it gives for how to integrate practice in daily life.

Posted by Deb.